Cedar Flooring

Step into a world where nature’s craftsmanship meets contemporary living. Cedar wood flooring, with its sublime blend of aesthetic charm and unparalleled durability, has etched its mark as one of the foremost choices for homeowners in search of an authentic, timeless foundation for their living spaces. This unique flooring option, derived from the majestic cedar trees, promises to infuse homes with warmth, elegance, and a hint of wilderness that resonates with the heart.

But what makes cedar flooring truly stand out in the myriad of wood choices available? Its allure transcends its rich hue and textured grains. From its inherent resistance to pests to its delightful aroma that freshens up any room, cedar offers an immersive experience, making a home feel more like a serene escape. Dive in as we explore the myriad facets of cedar wood flooring, ensuring you have all the insights needed to make an informed choice.

Benefits of Cedar Wood Flooring

Firstly, why cedar? Cedar wood flooring, revered for its natural beauty and resilience, has become a popular choice among homeowners and interior designers alike. Not only does its rich hue and distinct grain patterns make a room come alive, but its intrinsic properties offer a plethora of benefits too.

Beyond aesthetics, cedar wood is known for its inherent resistance to insects. So, not only do you get a flooring that looks splendid, but it’s also built to last. Additionally, its aromatic scent serves as a natural air freshener, giving homes a fresh and inviting atmosphere.

Types of Cedar Flooring

Western Red Cedar Flooring

Starting with the most popular, Western Red Cedar is a favourite among homeowners. Native to the western part of North America, this cedar variant is renowned for its rich red and pinkish tones. It’s not just the aesthetics that make it a prime choice; Western Red Cedar also boasts a fine, straight grain and a moderate texture which exudes elegance. Moreover, its natural resistance to decay adds to its flooring appeal.

Eastern Red Cedar (Aromatic Cedar) Flooring

Venture to the eastern side of the continent, and you'll encounter the Eastern Red Cedar, also known as Aromatic Cedar. As the name suggests, this variant is particularly esteemed for its distinct aroma. In terms of colour, Eastern Red Cedar offers a mix of pale yellow and reddish streaks, giving it a warm and welcoming hue. Its fine grain and uniform texture make it suitable for those seeking a more consistent look.

Alaskan Yellow Cedar

Taking a journey further north, Alaskan Yellow Cedar emerges as a flooring choice. Although named cedar, this wood is technically a cypress. It offers a pale yellow to creamy colour, contrasting with the reddish tones of its counterparts. Alaskan Yellow Cedar is not just about looks; it's also incredibly dense and resilient, making it ideal for areas that witness heavy footfall.

Spanish Cedar Flooring

Looking beyond North America, Spanish Cedar is native to Central and South America. It's a popular choice among those who prefer a finer, straight grain with a consistent reddish-brown hue. While it's less aromatic than the Eastern Red, it offers superior stability, making it an excellent choice for regions with fluctuating humidity.

Port Orford Cedar

Returning to the North American west coast, Port Orford Cedar is a lesser-known gem. It boasts a pale colour palette, ranging from nearly white to light yellow. But what makes this cedar stand out is its remarkable resistance to rot and its exceptional strength. While it's not as aromatic as its counterparts, it compensates with its durability.

How to Install and Maintain Cedar Wood Flooring

Getting cedar flooring installed might seem daunting, but it's relatively straightforward. Professional installation is, of course, recommended to ensure the wood fits perfectly and lasts long. Once laid, you'll find that its upkeep is a breeze. Regular sweeping or vacuuming, combined with occasional mopping, will keep your floor looking brand new.

Remember, water is wood's nemesis. Therefore, always make sure to wipe spills immediately. For those interested in DIY, there are plenty of products available that can help maintain cedar's lustre and vitality. Yet, always seek professional advice before making any decisions.

Cost of Cedar Wood Flooring

Certainly, cedar wood flooring can be pricier than some alternatives. However, consider it an investment. Its durability, coupled with its timeless beauty, means you won't be replacing it any time soon. Also, the value it adds to your home is incomparable. Over time, most homeowners find that the return on investment, both in terms of the home’s value and the sheer joy of having such a floor, is well worth the initial cost.